This is a bad bill, it should be scrapped there are so many special deals so much pork in this that even the President called for the removal of it(the pork). To which the Senate thumb their nose told him not if you want a bill. More on that here
The bill can be stopped, but only if the voters in states with moderate democrats get on the horn and tell their representatives to vote against it.
As it comes down to wire make sure you let them know how you feel and what 2010 may be like for them. Sometimes frog wins!

In this picture, the frog strangled the bird. I found the pictures here
At their weekly luncheon, Satan posed an interesting scenario to Nan-Nan Pelosi:
"Nancy, I can arrange for you to hold the same 44 seat democrat majority after the 2010 elections.
Or I can cause you to lose some democrat seats in the South and Mountain West but maintain a healthy 24 seat majority. Seats held by people who occassionally vote the way their moderate electorates want them to vote and not how you order them to vote."
What would Nancy choose?
Lmfao @ Troll with the Satan comment.
Isn't it the truth?
No matter how you deal it, I am against the Health Care bill.
There's just too much suspicious-ness about even putting it together.
Troll: Nancy love's her lap dogs and all she needs a simple majority.
Kitty: Make sure you let your representatives know. Even if it's only in email, be a part of it. Put them on record.
I've called and emailed DC to voice my concerns. I don't think the fellas from my state have deaf ears. we all need to pray hard.
Kym: It's refreshing to hear from someone, they listened to.
I'm late reading this, but just wanted to say, good post.
If this bill could pass on its merits, without the special senate deals and and this "non-vote" by the House, I'd take my lumps.
Boxer: Thank you
MRM: If the bill had true merits all of this backdoor stuff not be going on. The reality is it's little more than a power grab and a test see how much they can get away with.
The idiots passed it.
Gadfly: And right behind that will be the immigration (amnesty) bill and then card check. Oh and don't forget HR 45.
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