Anonymous Boxer is our host, her choice for this week is: Death scene. I really enjoyed Jaws even though this movie turned out to be one of the most devastating things to ever happen to the Shark population, second only to finning. The Shark getting Quint one of the best that scenes I can think of. Enjoy!
On another note
Happy Saint Patricks Day!
That was gruesome. A lack of sharks has caused BIG problems including 70 zillion sail-cats and rays in Troll Bay. Sharks are the only things that will eat them.
Great pick! I remember the first time I saw this movie. Scared out of my wits and loving it. I've mentioned this in a couple posts this time out, but looking back, what in the HECK were my parents thinking, taking me and my brother to these movies? Today, this would be deemed soooooooo inappropriate for a 10 year old! Happy MCW, St. Patty's Day, and, hopefully, NO HEALTH CARE BILL WEEK!
Troll: We're having the same problem in the Chesapeake. The reduced Shark population has allowed the Ray population to explode and Ray's are tearing up the oyster beds.
Moi: Maybe they didn't realize the content. 10 years old is very young for this movie.
Yesterday I spent 6 hours in the state senate committee hearing, only to testify for all of 10 minutes. After watching this process it reinforces, the system is broken. Logic and science have little to do with the process. It's all about who can get over on who. I hope this bill doesn't pass. But I can't call it one way or another.
Oh this movie scared the popcorn out of me when I first saw (in the theater) and sadly I've never felt truly comfortable in the water again. GREAT pick because that was truly, an awesome death.
This movie ruined me for the ocean.
It's a great scene though, and this movie still has scaring power and presence.
Fabulous choice!
I cant watch it because my bandwidth is dire - roll on next week when I hope to have some broadband! However, I know the scene almost by heart, I've watched Jaws so many times :) And I still jump at all the scary bits. Seeing Quint get bitten in half... ugh!
Boxer: The movie had that effect on many, one of the many sad side effects of it.
BlazngScarlet: Sorry to hear that. The whole movie was well done.
Joanna: Sorry about your bandwidth issues. Hope it is because you're away from home doing something fun and exciting. I've seen it several times myself and I can't tell you how many times I've used the line "we're gonna need a bigger boat".
jaws is the reason i take showers, sugar! i swear, i had a problem just swimming in a damn pool after seeing the movie. great choice! xoxoxo
Savannah: Too bad, there's an awful lot of neat stuff see in the ocean and all you have to do climb in and look. Thanks for stopping in.
I too saw this in the theater when I was about 16. Scared the crap out of me and I couldn't go out in my father's boat for the rest of the summer. Tame by today's standards, but a big deal back then. I love the fountain of spew that comes out of Quint.
Happy MCW!
Wait, KArl, doan'cah live on water yoreself? ain't ya afeared of scarin' yoreself???
Okay, true story:Since JAWS, Aunty doan swim in the ocean. EVEAH. ( An I lives in Florida) Doan say how the odds is remote--WHO CARES when it is YORE laig the shark ate fer an appetizer?
Oh, yes, Happy St. Paddy's Day!!
testified to/for what, Karl?
Buzz Kill: I remember that summer going to the beach nobody was in the water except people who had not seen the movie and nut cases like me.
Aunty Belle: Yes I do. I live on it, work on it and under it. I can't tell you how many sharks I've been in the water with, it has been a lot. They don't act the way the ones in the movies do. That's not to say that they should be played with. Generally long as you don't look like or smell like food they are not interested in you.
Happy Saint Paddy's day to you!
The Senate committee for Education, Health and the Environment. It's a bill to make Maryland waters a "no discharge zone" a concept that looks good on paper. Yet is based on bad science and political aspirations of a few individuals seeking higher office.
I still manage to see that movie about once a year.
Heff: Interesting, it is a great movie. I haven't seen it in quite a while.
Temper watches this movie all the time and well, since he does that means I do too.
The captain guy really cracks me up with some of the lines he has in this movie.
I was never able to watch any of the Jaws series. It's that whole blood thing - it just makes my stomach turn. But fun choice for death scene. I'd forgotten all about Jaws. (sorry I'm late to the party.)
Rage: Yep, Captain guy's are always good for a grin.
Kym: Your never too late and always welcome.
ACK! I was 18 years old and living in Hawaii when "Jaws" came out. We went to Wakiki (sp?) to see it. The line to get in was around the block.
Awesome!!! :)
I totally missed your post last week! So sorry. It is a great scene. But my fave line: "We're gonna need a bigger boat." And how adorable was Richard Dreyfuss back in his day? Looks like an Eagle Scout here. Watched a recent movie with him this weekend and really ... dang it... totally under-rated guy. I hope he gets a good Jeff Bridges moment. We could literally watch him mature over the years on screen.
Meanwhile: Download Picasa (free Google download) for your red-eye fix. I use it all the time and prefer it to photoshop for that particular problem. In fact, it will organize all the pics on your computer while you are at it.
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