Friday, May 14, 2010

Good evening,

Just about a year ago. I made the mistake of allowing outside circumstances to impede my situational awareness. In doing so I missed that one of the members of the team was not doing his job correctly, this was a big mistake. And I ended up taking the fall for it(literally) and now that all the king's horses and all the king's men have put Karl back together again. I can say, I'm not 100%. But, at 50, having been road hard and put away wet, I can't complain.

Before the accident on Fridays I would do a PT drill. It consisted of:
A 4 mile run
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats
75 pullups
Completed in 55 minutes.

Today I hit:
A 4 mile run
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats
50 pullups
Completed in 55 minutes.

My best since the accident. And it felt good. I'm a happy camper today. Y'all have a great weekend.


Heff said...

I need to get back on my regimine too. Have a great weekend, Karl.

yellowdoggranny said...

I'm going to start walking this week...if you let it and no one stands in your's pretty fecking good.

Karl said...

Heff: I did, Thanks.

Jackie Sue: Good for you and yes it is.

Pam said...

Oh, I didn't know about any accident that affected you, but having been felled by that little cancer guy myself and pulled through, I know how long a road back it can be. Congrats to you! That settles it, I should start jogging.

Aunty Belle said...

okay--I'se REALLY impressed. With yore discipline--mercy man, youse somethin' else.

but--100 SQUATS? what does ya need all that power fer? wolves chasin' ya? Heh..."situational awareness."

Karl said...

Pam: The little cancer guy is one of the most dastardly villains I can think of. Hooray to you for putting him in his place. As for jogging, start slow and work up to a comfortable run. Walk run walk is a good way to build endurance. 30 to 40 minutes, 4 times a week. You will soon feel the benefit.

Aunty Belle: The post wasn't really meant to impress. It was more a celebration for achieving a goal. Although, I must admit, impressing you is worth popping a vest button or 2.

What do I need it for? never know.

moi said...

YES!!!! You go, Karl. One of the greatest joys in life, I think, is the ability to move one's body through time and space just for the heck of it. I wish you continued success and good health.

Karl said...

Moi: You're so right, it's the knowledge, that you can! Thank you!

Jenny said...


We never realize what we have until we don't have it. Congrats! I'm so sorry you lost a year, but hopefully you gained some other things along the way back.

I hope your weekend was wonderful and that you celebrated.