Anonymous Boxer is our host, her choice for this week is: Alcohol scene. During the 1930s William Powell and Myrna Loy did the Thin Man series of movies. Nick and Nora Charles would glide bar to bar solving crimes. I can't think of any movie with better alcohol jokes. If you haven't seen them you should. This is a collage of scenes, I think you'll get the picture.
Don't forget to stop by Boxer's and see who else is playing.
It's amazing to me that at one point in our not-so-distant history, we excelled at making movies that were witty without resorting to an ounce of vulgarity. The Thin Man series is great good fun. Happy MCW!
Absolutely classic. Wish I'd picked Nick and Nora.
You commented at The Troll Report before I finished the post!
happy MCW!
Moi: A good point, I think this is why I shy away from modern movies. The talent seems to have been lost.
Troll: I didn't know that was possible, I'll stop back by.
Mr. Boxer is a huge fan of these and I have a feeling just as cigarette smoking seemed cool in movies, these two made drinking cool too. In this case all I have to say is, they just don't make movies like this anymore.
Fabulous pick! I enjoyed watching this. Happy MCW.
Boxer: He and I have something in common. I have the entire set on DVD. If they still made movies like this, I would go back to the theaters.
I'm glad you liked it.
Man, that girl could certainly hold her liquor! Fabulous find!
I've not seen the movie, but used to watch the TV show version in the late 1950s.
Happy MCW!
That was a great mantage. Daddy, drink. Bwahaha If I had a nickel for every time I heard that.
These movies could never play now in this PC world. Oh for the days when drinking was socially acceptable and encouraged - even by the Mrs.
Happy MCW!
Oh, this series is indeed classic! Such style too! I agree with Moi -- all very clever, and while she says no vulgarity -- well, let's just say there's a good amount of chemistry. How's that? Happy MCW!
I cain't see the collage. It says the plugin is missin'. BUT, unles I disable plugins and extensions, I cain't comment on blogs wif' the pop-up window style of comment box. GRRRR!
I ain't shure whar' I'se goofed up.
But i know this is a fine entry fer MCW.Hate to miss it.
I saw it! (reloaded some thingy)
Nick and Nora are hilarious--elegant and hilarious.
I think this is the winnin' MCW entry this week--wunnerful!
Joanna: They both seem to have a hollow leg.
xl: I didn't know there was a TV show.
Buzz Kill: Interesting how as we've become more PC, movies have become more vulgar and explicit.
Pam: Chemistry is right Powell and Loy were a perfect compound.
Aunty Belle: Glad you could see it. Sorry you're having so much trouble with your computer.
not a big old movie fan, just stopped by to say hi *chuckle*
Gadfly: Howdy. Your getting a of mileage from Putin on the Ritz aren't you?
Buzz Kill: "Interesting how as we've become more PC, movies have become more vulgar and explicit. "
That hits a spike on its haid!
Aunty Belle: Thanks
Cool. Never seen 'em.
Heff: Try one, they're good for a grin.
Hiya Karl, sorry I'm late to get by. I haven't seen this movie, but you've peaked my curiousity and I think I'll be watching this soon. I'd have loved to be part of that generation.
Kym: Your never to late and always welcome.
Karl: Yeah. I like it :o)
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