Anonymous Boxer is our host, her choice for this week is: Action Movies. Talk about painting with a wide brush. One of my first thoughts for this challenge was Dirty Harry. Yet I was concerned about a jinx with Buzz. So I chose one of the more obscure scenes, action with a little humor mixed in. Well, I thought it was funny.
Oh, it WAS funny. Most good action flicks have some humor. Good choice.
Happy MCW!
bwahahahahah. Only Clint could be so cool in such a situation.
Great pick and I think Action movies with humor is the best combination.
Happy MCW!
Great choice, great movie. Clint Eastwood was a huge influence on me, and pretty much informed the kind of man I looked for when I grew up. Namely, one with lots of ammo.
Clint is the bizness! I can't believe I didn't think of Dirty Harry or any of his spaghetti westerns cos they would certainly constitute action movies too!
asshole#3 hated the dirty hairy movies and swore up and down if he ever met clint eastwood he'd punch him out..
i read the biography on clint..and he makes tiger woods and jesse james look like school boys in the screwing around dept.
Troll: I agree, if they're to serious, they don't tend to be very good.
Boxer: His ability to stay cool is what makes his movies so good.
Hope you had a great time yesterday.
Moi: Having lots of ammo is one thing, being able put it where it needs to go is the important thing.
Joanna: I had thought to use The Good The Bad and The Ugly. The clips I found where either too long or had been messed up by some jerk trying to express his creativity.
Jackie Sue: I guess that should have told you something about him. Those two clowns had nothing on the likes of Clint or Errol Flynn.
Well folks, the Sun is out, the birds are singing and the weather station on my desk is is flashing a message "kite flying weather" So I think I'm gonna play hooky for a few hours and do just that: Go fly a kite.
I knew that's what you would be expecting me to do. Dirty Harry is the Holy Grail of cop movies. This is one of those rare movie franchises where some of the sequels are actually good (Magnum Force and The Enforcer). And I still want to buy a .44 magnum (but the Mrs won't let me).
Happy MCW!
Buzz Kill: Oh go for it. It's a fine weapon. I've owned 2 .44 Mag's. One Rugger and one Smith & Wesson. The Model 29 is my favorite revolver. Although if I had to do it again, I would get a Model 629 (stainless steel) as I've had some difficulty with the blueing on mine.
Kick Aiss.
Heff: That's what made Dirty Harry movies so good, the way he went about doing just that.
i loved nick and nora..wish they'd have a new one..i can think of some great actors who could do those roles perfectly..ha
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