Howdy it's Wednesday and we all know what that means, time to search through the living hell of YouTube and post a clip to amuse and entertain. Movie Clip Wednesday, hosted by Anonymous Boxer. If you wish to play. Post a clip on your site. Try to make it 3 minutes or less, then stop by Boxer's site say I'm up, with the title of your movie. You can also see who else is playing. And find some very interesting and differing perspectives on a single topic. The topic for this week: Party scene. I couldn't find a decent usable Toga scene, Drat. So I decided to go with a party that started in the bar on a train (as I remember). In the movie At The Circus with the Marx Brothers. This 1939 comedy film featuring Chico, Harpo and Groucho. The plot is centered around a circus owner who has been robbed and the brothers come in to help. With the classic style of humor only they could provide. Please enjoy one Groucho's of trademark songs.
Oh! I love the Marx Brothers and this is perfectly good clip for the theme this week. We watched every one of their movies when I was younger. A station played them every Sunday afternoon. Raunchy at times and yet.... brilliant.
Thanks for playing. I know you're a bizzy guy. Happy MCW!
It's amazing how young Groucho looks here. I always picture the older version. He was truely one of the funniest movie comics ever. Better than Robin Williams, Steve Martin or even Charlie Chaplin.
Happy MCW!
Boxer: So did I. Thinking about it we watched the movies on a Sunday also. My brother and I used to quote lines from Marx brothers movies all the time.
Buzz Kill: He had such a long career, it's hard to remember him being young. Did you ever watch You Bet Your Life? It was impressive how fast he could come up with a funny line from the simplest comments made.
No time to play this week, but I'm just dropping by to say howdy and wish you a happy weekend!
Moi: A good weekend to you. Hope your finding some time to relax.
they are responsible for one of my favorite expressions..'duck soup'...
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