Movie Clip Wednesday, hosted by Anonymous Boxer may be going on hiatus for a bit. So if you wanna play you better do it quick. Post a clip on your site. Try to make it 3 minutes or less, then stop by Boxer's site say I'm up, with the title of your movie. You can also see who else is playing. And find some very interesting and differing perspectives on a single topic. The topic for this week: Best Space Movie. I'm running a bit late this week. I find anything to do with space very interesting. Although to me most space movies are nothing but fantasies. Yes fun to watch, but no reality. So I decided to go with a little bit of reality. Apollo 13, this academy award winning film was directed by Ron Howard and starred Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon and Ed Harris. It was a drama are recreating the real events of in almost tragic flight. Where dedication innovation and the can do attitude, save the lives of three of our astronauts. Please enjoy!
one of my favorite movies. So many great lines and what a group of smart, great people who worked that HUGE problem out. Whew.
If we don't do MCW, will you ever post?????
Boxer: Probably, although I'm better as a freementor, than blogger.
I think I fell asleep watching this, which is bizarre because it's a favorite subject and Ed Harris is in it. I rarely snooze when Ed Harris is on screen. So, another one for the list. Happy MCW! Oh, and yes, I do have a match. A whole box of 'em :o)
Moi: After the last piece of theater, I'm beginning to wonder how long it should be before a few should come to light.
The filter scene and Gary Sinise powering up the training LEM scene are my favorites from this movie. I don't think space gets any more real than this movie.
Happy MCW!
This movie was fabulous!
I have always had a fascination with space and wanting to go to the moon.
When you see what they had to work with technologically, it's amazing we got to the moon at all!
Great choice Karl! =)
Why, Karl, you closet anarchist, you.
Buzz Kill: Both were good scenes. The filter scene really is a fine example of our gov't at work. Square peg, round hole and duct tape.
BlazngScarlet: I too have had a fascination with space. I actually applied for a mission specialist position in the shuttle program.
It's just like Boxers movie clip, you just point and shoot;)
Moi: Anarchist, no. However I will pass on one of my favorite quotes: "I hold it that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government."
Thomas Jefferson
I am for a strong Federal government. But one that does what the constitution gives it authority to do and only what the constitution gives it authority to do.
bittersweet round these heah parts--last Shuttle flight will be this June...historic event.
Jes' a flyby to say how is all y'all on the Chesapeake?
Aunty Belle: I'm so pleased to see you. I hope you're well.
Not only historic, it will be sad too. And with no other program we will have to rely on the Russians to get to the space station.
you know what really impressed me? the fact the used pencil and paper to do all the!
great movie.
Such a great film and with a really good cast :) I love Gary Sinise!
Jackie Sue: Yep, back when people could still math in their heads and not on their phones.
Joanna: Yes and they blended so well together.
hi Karl. How are you? whats going on with you boat these days? I just stopped by to say hi, I missed you and to thank you for your kind comment. See you on haiku monday.
Chickory: How are you? I'm glad to see you getting around. You are the one who has been missed.
The boat is fine, although this weekend storm was quite interesting. Perhaps more on that later.
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