Howdy it's Wednesday and we all know what that means, time to search through the living hell of YouTube and post a clip to amuse and entertain. Movie Clip Wednesday, hosted by Anonymous Boxer. If you wish to play. Post a clip on your site. Try to make it 3 minutes or less, then stop by Boxer's site say I'm up, with the title of your movie. You can also see who else is playing. And find some very interesting and differing perspectives on a single topic. The topic for this week: Best Political Thriller. What better political movie than Fail-Safe. The Cold War at its finest, filmed in 1964 this political thriller starring Henry Fonda and a star studded cast depicts a computer malfunction leading to a probable nuclear war. And the way the wac jobs in hollyweird felt was a good way to stop it. I've also included a couple of clips from Dr. Strangelove, a movie so close in plot that there were lawsuits. Sorry the first clip is long, but please enjoy.
And now one of my all time favorite clips.
And on the lighter side of apocalypse.
Dr. Strangelove is one of the few Kubrick films I can actually watch. Great choice. And you jinxed with Boxer on Fail-Safe, a film I have never seen. But will now look for. Happy MCW!
Moi: I liked Dr. Strangelove more than Fail-Safe, but I've been told I have a strange sense of humor.
Is there a more prolific cold war image than of Major Kong riding the bomb? Slim Pickens was a guy that played the same, likeable cowboy in just about everything he did. Probably your most "American" actor of the time. Fail-Safe and Strangelove are very similar movies - and they're both in Black and White!
Happy MCW!
Jack Lemmon. Jack Lemmon. Jack Lemmon. Love him and his voice. What a class act. Don't know this movie, however. Interesting!~ Happy MCW!
I LOVE dr. Strangelove. Its birthed more classic scenes and thought memes than you can shake a stick at. Have never seen fail safe but glad for recommendation. My "to see" list is getting pretty long! But I have to wait for them to be on the satellite.
happy mcw!
Oh, these are great clips. I could make a whole movie WEEK of political thrillers.
Like Buzz, the use of B&W made it more urgent somehow, at least fer Aunty.
Happy MCW!
Buzz Kill: it's the image that always sticks with me. And this movie ruling made his career takeoff. The movies were so similar that there was a lawsuit that was settled out of court. You know black and white is my comfort zone.
Pam: I like Jack Lemmon too. Although he wasn't in the movie, perhaps you're thinking of Walter Matthau.
K9: One of the problems with MCW, is the "to see list" is getting so long I may never catch up.
Aunty Belle: Yes there is plenty of good subject matter.
While I think black and white certainly helps with the impact of this film, the truth is Buzz is razzing me for my fondness of older movies.
Well, if I was going to blog jinx with anyone, I never thought it would be YOU with Fail Safe. Bwahahahahah. Great minds?
I figured you'd be happy with this theme. ;-)
loved it it now.
I thought Dr. Strangelove was really good and would see it again.
I'm up with Z which I feared you would blog-jynx me on.
I think I was too young when I saw this, gave me PTSD.
Boxer: Yes we do and we are in good company!
Yep, it was a good topic.
Jackie Sue: Well put!
Troll: I think you would enjoy Fail-Safe also.
I'm not sure how I missed Z.
Fishy: Sorry to read this, it's only a movie.
i love dr strangelove. it's been a while since i've seen it though. i haven't seen fail safe. at least i don't think i've seen it.
Foam: ♫ Come fly with me ♪ Let's fly away♫
Stop by for the baby reveal!
Great picks! Loving it.
whar's the Haiku hood ornament?
Keri: Nice to see you. I stop by your site to say hi, well and then the SHTF. You're always an enjoyable read, I'll get around when I can.
Aunty Belle: She's the finest looking hood ornament there ever was. Although, so much more than an ornament. The picture, it's in my mind and I still see it, vividly.
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