Good morning it's Wednesday and we all know what that means, time to search through the living hell of YouTube and post a clip to amuse and entertain. Movie Clip Wednesday, hosted by Anonymous Boxer. If you wish to play. Post a clip on your site. Try to make it 3 minutes or less, then stop by Boxer's site say I'm up, with the title of your movie. You can also see who else is playing. And find some very interesting and differing perspectives on a single topic. The topic for this week: Best movie/Broadway adaptation. I would've picked Oklahoma, but I think it should go to Pam by default. The Unsinkable Molly Brown is a 1964 musical film based on a 1960 Broadway play of the same name. Both are a fictionalized account of the life of Margaret Brown played in the movie by Debbie Reynolds. The real life of Margaret brown is a rags to riches story. Interestingly she was one of the survivors of the Titanic. By some accounts, She was heroic in her efforts to have her lifeboat turn around and look for more survivors. (you knew I'd sneak the water in there somewhere didn't you) This was a fun movie with several very good dance scenes. Please enjoy.
S.B. just walked into my office and asked, "Are you watching a Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoon?" Bwhahahahahahaha!
I've never seen this, but it looks like a hoot! Happy Movie Clip Wednesday and I see that you sneaked water in there a couple times :o)
My parents both lived in NYC during the 1950's and must have gone to a lot of Broadway shows because they were always big on watching musicals in the theater and at home. THIS was one of my Father's favorites and we watched it several times growing up anytime it was on TV. Debbie Reynolds was never better and the music is good. You picked a somewhat obscure movie, so well done and even managed a little water too. Happy MCW!
I have seen this but not since forever! Imagine that, you chose this one .... hmmm.
Greetings from the Gallatin Valley,
I've seen a lot of musicals but not this one. Debbie Reynolds, wholesome and hot. Where are one of those when I need one.
Happy MCW
wow..this is so weird..yesterday on the (I only watch when she has cool guests on) Oprah show..she had Debbie Reynolds and her daughter Carrie was very interesting..and I loved this movie..but then I love all that is Debbie.
Debbie Reynolds has always been a great favourite and I think I have seen this but, like Pam, not for years!
Hello Karl,
I didn't know there was a musical version. I only ever saw the black and white version of "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" an old English movie.
I will have to go looking for this now. Debbie Reynolds... All that wholesome Goodness...
PS. I loved La Reynold's as the Mother in "In and Out"
with the line... "I need this wedding like I need Heroin" to her recenly outed Son "Kevin Klein" on the eve of his Marriage...
Moi: What a great cartoon it was.
I haven't seen it in a long time yet a hoot would be a good description from what I remember. Isn't that the thing about being around the water, wait long enough and there's always something interesting.
Boxer: Both of my parents really enjoyed this movie, my mother had the album and they could both sing every song on it. "Somewhat obscure" well that suits me to a T.
Pam: Well I left Oklahoma for you and you didn't even use it.
MRM: Greetings to you sir.
If you get a chance pick it up and watch it. Have you considered a trip to Devon England?
Jackie Sue: Ack, please just say no to Oprah. Debbie Reynolds was a fine actress, I sometimes think she never received a enough credit for dancing ability. Thinking of her performances in this and Singing in the Rain.
Joanna: Not surprising, I would bet that movies like this aren't on television much anymore. My mother in law liked her so much she named her daughter after her.
Princess: if you can find it you'll have a good time. What a great line, kind of like "I guess I picked a bad day to quit smoking"(from the airplane).
Whenever I think of Molly Brown I think of the Kathy Bates character from the movie Titanic. And I'm pretty sure she got the "Unsinkable" nickname from surviving the Titanic. I've not seen this musical but there was something hot about Debbie Reynolds being held down in the dirt. Is that wrong??
Happy MCW!
certainly cuter than the one who played molly brown in "titanic"! i bet debbie reynolds wouldnt break your feet with a baseball bat. happy MCW!
Buzz Kill: Funny since I saw this movie first, Debbie Reynolds is the actress I think of as Molly Brown. The unsinkable nickname was given to her posthumously by a writer. As far as the dirt goes, no that's not wrong. Although I preferred her coming out of the water.
Chickory: I have to agree with you. I'm not sure I understand the reference to the baseball bat though.
debbie reynolds is irrisistably cute.
however, i've never seen this musical. looks fun though.
Foam: Yes, she was. It's worth a watch if you ever see around.
Hola, Señor. Just dropping by to let you know I'm hosting Haiku Monday at my blog this week. Theme is PERFUME. New rule is, you can write as many as you'd like, but I'll be judging only one, so let me know which one that will be.
Buenas tardes Señora: A fitting topic for a desert flower.
Drop by whenever you get a chance. I have declared a Haiku Winner.
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