the Big Dog was on a whale watching trip and they came up on some kind of smaller whale...i forget what. and the tour guide was going on about how people were all that really endangered whale when some killer whales swam up and started killing these other whales. BD say people were crying and screaming and throwing up. true story. sorry i missed that.
good mm. its why i dont watch nature programs that often.
K9: I have heard stories like that before. People think Orca are like the brainwashed ones in seaworld, when they see the real thing, they loose it. It serves them right. An animal should not be blamed for being what it is.
There was a neat nature show on Hummingbirds, the other night.
BTW, it's the ATO stock, not the one I recommended.
I think that seal with the sharp teeth could be a leopard seal, they are more fierce than the usual kind and sport those teeth and are adept predators...
I have heard about that whale incident that CHickory speaks of before. I think it's funny (in my dark way of looking at things sometime) I can just imagine people on a boat looking at the pretty porpoises and all of a sudden Orca rocks up to feast. That's nature people...still, to see it/smell it live....whew! Real life smacks you in the face like a big ol dorsal fin!
Ahhhhh! The great survival chase. Well done Karl, have a good Monday.
oh man....that's sad..
The thrill of the chase - for half of them.
Happy MM!
I've heard Zebra tastes a lot like venison. No idea about penguin.
Happy Mute Monday!
Happy Mute Monday.
Good evening, Karl! This is very well done. I like what Fishy said, the great survival chase.
Happy MM!
I like the first picture the best with the Eagle in it. The picture with the bird getting its head almost bit off...not so much.
Survival of the fittest; demise of the tastiest. It's all good. Especially when it's on Moi's plate. Happy Mute Monday!
the Big Dog was on a whale watching trip and they came up on some kind of smaller whale...i forget what. and the tour guide was going on about how people were all that really endangered whale when some killer whales swam up and started killing these other whales. BD say people were crying and screaming and throwing up. true story. sorry i missed that.
good mm. its why i dont watch nature programs that often.
that's me, above. happy MM
Fishy: The longest running chase there has ever been.
Jacque Sue: No not really, it's life.
Buzz Kill: Very true.
Troll: I don't know, haven't had the chance to try either one.
Boxer: Maybe you can teach the moose and dear to box;)
Kym: Thanks
Kitty: There is no diffrence, in each shot. One won the chase, one did not.
Moi: I would bet, dinner with you would be a real treat.
Happy Mute Monday All.
K9: I have heard stories like that before. People think Orca are like the brainwashed ones in seaworld, when they see the real thing, they loose it. It serves them right. An animal should not be blamed for being what it is.
There was a neat nature show on Hummingbirds, the other night.
BTW, it's the ATO stock, not the one I recommended.
Great pics; fantastic even. I was wondering if someone would do wildlife in the theme. Happy MM to you.
Um, a little bit sad. But I guess a way of life.
Amazin' photos--but, I admits the wolves on the moose made me sad...sniff. Reckon ever'body's gotta git some vittles.
Nicely done!
HAppy MM!
I think that seal with the sharp teeth could be a leopard seal, they are more fierce than the usual kind and sport those teeth and are adept predators...
I have heard about that whale incident that CHickory speaks of before. I think it's funny (in my dark way of looking at things sometime) I can just imagine people on a boat looking at the pretty porpoises and all of a sudden Orca rocks up to feast. That's nature people...still, to see it/smell it live....whew! Real life smacks you in the face like a big ol dorsal fin!
So when is the beef n bean challenge again dear?
PS: I saw the hummingbird show too and now am sorry I erased it, I'd like to see it again. Nature on PBS is the best!
Sorry this replies so late, I was a bit pressed for time last week.
Thank you for the nice comments.
LaDiva: Wednesday, February 3 is the date for the next Throw Down.
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