Nices pics, especially the last few. With all the rain we've had lately (in the Northeast) I haven't seen the stars in a long time. Hopefully the stars will be out on Christmas Eve for Santa.
I'm a litte nutty about astronomy and telescopes and have spent some time out in the dark looking at things like this. Of course, not as close as the Hubble. I was hoping someone would go in this direction. Thanks! They are spectacular.
Karl, you is a purest. No Stargates or StarWars stuff, doesn't compare to the real magic does it? No wonder you dropped an asteroid at the Pond. Happy Monday.
Hey, You got REAL Stars and Black Holes that are not empty! ;-) Those pics are beautiful, and I always imagine that we have this lovely world in a miniature inside of us. LOL and we have no empty spaces, either! Thanks for sharing!
Nices pics, especially the last few. With all the rain we've had lately (in the Northeast) I haven't seen the stars in a long time. Hopefully the stars will be out on Christmas Eve for Santa.
Happy MM!
The Universe be a spooky place. Nice theme and pics!
Happy MM!
I'm a litte nutty about astronomy and telescopes and have spent some time out in the dark looking at things like this. Of course, not as close as the Hubble. I was hoping someone would go in this direction. Thanks! They are spectacular.
Buzz Kill: I know what you mean, we have a 10" surplus this year. you might be able to see some of the Geminids tonight.
Don't worry about Santa, He'll have NORAD's help.
Troll: Spooky no, wonderfull yes.
Boxer: Without Hubble an image of a black hole would be very hard to see indeed.
I spend alot of time in the dark too. I like to look at stars too.
Fabulous stars! Happy MM x
I loves this kinda stuff--I like to go ter the HUbble site--iffin' ya' ain't awed by the cosmos, I reckon youse got a wooden heart.
Lovely, Karl!
Happy MM!
Karl, you is a purest.
No Stargates or StarWars stuff, doesn't compare to the real magic does it? No wonder you dropped an asteroid at the Pond. Happy Monday.
Gorgeous pics. Take them yourself? Grrhaha. But seriously beautiful. Happy MM!
Good Evening, Karl.
Hey, You got REAL Stars
and Black Holes that are not empty! ;-)
Those pics are beautiful, and I always imagine that we have this lovely world in a miniature inside of us. LOL and we have no empty spaces, either!
Thanks for sharing!
Happy MM!
Some really beautiful pics. I adore stars :)
Joanna: Thanks
Aunty Belle: The Hubble site is a great way to view some truly awesome pictures. Thanks
Fishy: No, it doesn't. I didn't think of it that way, luckly it was a small asteroid;)
Pam: I wish they were. Thanks
Anna-Lys: All of the shots are depictions of black holes, they were just shot in different spectrums.
Ah yes, is our entire universe, just a bubble, floating in some kids bathtub in another universe.
Vixen: Thank You!
these are some AWESOME starry skies. Happy MM, Karl!
Kym: Thank you
Yay, someone went with actual stars! I'm always amazed by the fact that we live in outer space. Happy, happy to you!
I left you a comment on my blog, but check: Edmund Scientific.
Moi: That is a neat way looking at it, now if we could just break this baby out of the sun's orbit we could really go cruising!
Boxer: Thank you, it was very helpful.
I thought of Star Trek when I saw these pictures. You've got me thinking of space...what the hell is going on with the world these days?
Hi Karl,
I hope you will join the Leek throwdown this week!!
Happy New Year!
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